NHS SDE network

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SDEs will become the main route for accessing NHS data for research.

The North West SDE is one of 11 regional SDEs, along with the National SDE, within the NHS Research SDE Network in England.

This network is designed to provide safer, more secure and faster access to different types of NHS data without it leaving the environments. It also ensures the highest standards of privacy, security and interoperability across all SDEs.

There are 11 regional SDEs, including:

Map of England in a light blue colour on a darker blue background. Regions are highlighted in a dark blue outline identifying each NHS Research Data Environment region. The map aims to show the national coverage of the NHS Secure Data Environment and how they are streamlining access to the world’s largest linked health datasets. The regions are identified with pinpoint markers and labels. The regions labelled are: North East and North Cumbria (NENC) North West (NW) Yorkshire & Humber (YH) East Midlands (EM) West Midlands (WM) East of England (EE) Thames Valley & Surrey (TVS) London (L) Kent, Medway & Sussex (KMS) Great Western (GW) Wessex (W)
  • North West
  • East Midlands
  • East of England
  • Kent, Medway and Sussex
  • London
  • North East and North Cumbria
  • Great Western
  • Thames Valley and Surrey
  • Wessex
  • West Midlands
  • Yorkshire and Humber

Data Saves Lives strategy

The Data Saves Lives strategy, published in June 2022, commits to creating a system of data access (rather than data sharing) for research and analysis. This means all NHS health and social care data being used in this way will remain on NHS platforms throughout.

The strategy sets out how SDEs will deliver improved secure access to NHS data for research. They are funded by the Data for Research and Development programme.