Sponsor Group
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The Sponsor Group is the Executive Board for the North West SDE.
It works collaboratively to address the priorities and needs in the academic and research landscape across the region.
The Sponsor Group includes the Programme SRO, Programme Director and senior leads from the three ICB areas.

Senior Responsible Officer
Adrian is the Chief Analyst for NHS England — North West, responsible for a large portfolio of analytical work to monitor, evaluate and provide insights to deliver improvements to health and care for the 7.4 million citizens across the North-West.
Prior to joining NHS England, Adrian spent three years leading data and analytics at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Programme Director
Sally is a graduate with BSc in Molecular Biology, MSc in Clinical Pharmacology and PhD in the Epidemiology and Health Economic impact of Healthcare Associated Infections.
Experienced working with a wide variety of research organisations, academia, civil service and the NHS – most recently working with the Clinical Research Network in the North West.

Executive Medical Director NHS Cheshire and Merseyside
Prof. Jones is a Consultant Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon at Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Teaching Hospital Trust. He is an Honorary Clinical Professor at both University of Liverpool and Edge Hill University, with an academic interest in skin cancer and chemotherapy resistance as well as population health. He has national roles, leading in research for the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon (BAPRAS) and plastic and hand surgery for NIHR North West Coast.
Rowan was appointed as Executive Medical Director to the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System in July 2022. He is committed to system-wide improvements for patients.

Chief Officer for Strategy, Innovation and Population Health at NHS Greater Manchester
Warren joined the NHS in 2006 and has been Director of the Association of Greater Manchester PCTs and Director of Policy and External Relations for NHS Greater Manchester. Since 2014 Warren has played a central role to bring devolved powers to Greater Manchester as the Executive Lead for Strategy and System Development for the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership. He continued as Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation at NHS Greater Manchester and is currently Chief Officer for Strategy, Innovation and Population Health.

Chief Digital Officer NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
Asim is Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB’s Chief Digital Officer. He is passionate about the opportunities presented by using data and technology, having worked in the digital transformation field in the NHS for 14 years. In addition to a previous role as Chief Digital and Information Officer for one of the largest trusts in the North West providing physical and mental health services, Asim was also the managing director for an NHS digital shared service providing IT support and services across Cheshire and Merseyside and beyond.

Strategic Advisor Digital and Data programmes, Mersey Care NHS FT, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Lead and Commercial Domain Lead
Jim is the Director of Digital and Data Programmes for Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and for the Mental Health Research for Innovation Centre (MRIC). Jim is also the Senior Responsible Officer for the Cheshire and Merseyside Data into Action Programme where he coordinates the different stakeholders that support the Cheshire and Merseyside SDE for population health, planning and development. He also holds an honorary position as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

Chief Intelligence and Analytics Officer at Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and GM Lead
Matt is the Chief Intelligence and Analytics Officer for NHS Greater Manchester and a key architect of Greater Manchester’s data and analytics landscape. He is responsible for the development of strategic and business intelligence for the Integrated Care System in Greater Manchester. Matt was previously Associate Director in Public Health England where he led the North West regional intelligence service. Prior to that he was Head of the Department of Health’s National Support Team for Public Health and has held a number of senior positions within the Home Office.

Chief Information Officer Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Director of Digital One Lancashire and South Cumbria
Stephen joined Lancashire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust from Greater Manchester’s Health and Care Partnership in April 2020 as the Chief Information Officer. Prior to this, Stephen spent eight years as Chief Information Officer for Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust. He has also spent over 10 years working for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals within the USA and UK within a variety of roles. Stephen is a lead on digital strategy across the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS and the lead digital representative on the provider collaborative board.